Sunday, October 6, 2013


Cities are a lot like people. You like them or you don't. Some feel like kindred spirits in an instant while some others feel alien even after a lifetime. This one was reclaimed from the ocean and left an indelible mark on the relatively short history of this country.

Boston, with its history, its academic environment and the rampant jay-walking on its streets felt friendly, familiar and easy. The quirkiness of MIT, the tradition of Harvard, the throngs of people in the subways, the red brick buildings from a different era and the strong sense of history all seemed to resonate with me at a deeper level. In our four days there, we explored the city from end to end. We visited the harbor front to see the city for what it was when the ocean laid claim over it. We visited the italian neighborhoods that redefined food, the freedom trail that redefined independence, the museum that redefined art, the library that redefined the concept for me and we visited the blast site than redefined a tribute.

Its a city whose vignettes reminded me a lot of England and yet have left a distinct rebellious impression. I hope some day to be an actual Bostonian just to see how it feel up close and personal.

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