Sunday, December 9, 2012

The pacific sunsets...

I have always loved sunsets. It is strange to me that instead of being engulfed by the sense of an ending, sunsets give me hope and joy. I guess, knowing with certainty that there will be a new beginning tomorrow - whether I am there or not to see it - gives me a sense of hope. 

Watching the pale, lifeless sky turn bright red and glow golden somehow reminds me of the creative process. It reminds me of the artistry in nature and the beauty around us. There was once a time, when sitting on the open terrace and watching the sun set between concrete blocks was a daily past time. The harshness of life as a PhD student, the physical pain and the mental fatigue would both dissolve as I stared at the sunset, watching the sky morph and come alive. 

Today, after a long time, I did the same and found the old sense of calm and quiet. I guess, this is a reminder for me to brave some chilly winds and to resume my old habits. This time of course, I have the pacific ocean in front instead of the concrete blocks. I guess, life has changed for the better (at least in that sense...) :) 

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